Title: The Long Run: A New York City Firefighter's Triumphant Comeback from Crash Victim to Elite Athlete
Author: Matt Long and Charles Butler
Publisher: Rodale Books
Web: http://www.mattslongrun.com
Date of Publication: October 12, 2010
ISBN-10: 160529246X
Pages: 264 pages
Format: Kindle eBook
About the Book: (from Goodreads.com)
Matt Long had no chance. He was cycling to the firehouse when a 20-ton bus turned, making an illegal turn, and hit him. Sucked under the chassis, he sustained injuries serious enough to necessitate 40 operations. And then the real recovery began. This veteran marathoner and brave firefighter had faced challenges before, but even he had never experienced such physical and psychological pain. Yet just three years later, Matt Long ran in the 2008 New York City Marathon. A "Running Saved My Life" memoir that you won't forget.
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About the Author: Charles Butler is the coauthor, with Matt Long, of "The Long Run: A New York City Firefighter's Triumphant Comeback from Crash Victim to Elite Athlete." Charlie is also an editor at Runner's World magazine and his writing has appeared in The New York Times, SmartMoney, Good Housekeeping, among other publications. (Amazon.com)
My Review: There are so many inspiring stories on television, in movies and in books, but this story is true.
You really get to know Matt well through his story. Sometimes you might think you know him too well. Honestly, at times it was hard to read about the injuries Matt endured, but it sure helps you to understand vividly how far he made it.
Matt was lucky to be able to walk again after his accident. With his strong determination, and a great network of friends and family he was able to go far beyond regaining the ability to walk.
I had not gone running in quite a while before reading this book. I had all kinds of excuses why I couldn't. After reading this book, I started running again. It really made all my excuses seem pathetic.
My Rating: 5/5 – You don’t need to be a runner to be moved by Matt’s story and to be inspired by it.
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