It has been a very slow year for reading for me. Life and work have gotten in the way of my sitting around and reading into the wee hours of the night. Since I am no longer going to Duluth for work each month, my nights to read in the hotel room are gone as well. I have also taken a break from accepting books to review. I still have a few to get to! Alas, I have only read 28 books in 2009, but some very good ones!!
Jen's Best Books of 2009
1. The Hour I First Believed - Wally Lamb (5/5)
2. The Crying Tree - Naseem Rakha - (5/5)
3. A Year On Ladybug Farm - Donna Ball - (4.5/5)
4. At Home on Ladybug Farm - Donna Ball (4.5/5)
5. The Lost Symbol - Dan Brown (4.5/5)
6. The Story of Edgar Sawtelle - David Wroblewski (4.5/5)
7. The Kindness of Strangers - Katrina Kittle (4.5/5)
8. Lace Reader - Brunonia Barry - (4.5/5)
9. Moloka'i - Alan Brennert - (4.5/5)
10. Things I Want My Daughters to Know: A Novel - Elizabeth Noble - (4.5/5)
I love making my list of best books each year. I forget about all the great books I read in the beginning of the year! I am looking forward to reading other book bloggers lists as well to make my "To Be Read" list even longer!
The year end brings no greater pleasure
than the opportunity to express
gratitude and good wishes to my readers.
May your New Year be filled with much happiness!!
Happy Reading!!
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