Beyond Words
Beyond Words is a weekly feature at Reading in White Bear Lake, in which readers share the unfamiliar words they have encountered in their reading over the past week. This is a great way to build your vocabulary from what you are reading as well as from what others are reading.
Remember… are never to old to learn!! I love learning and reading, what better combination could there be.
The gift of using words best comes from knowing words
as intimately as you know your own family.
-Lloyd Edwin Smith-
New words to me this week:
Epaulets – (noun) : an ornamental strip or loop sewn across the shoulder of a dress or coat Listen to the audio pronunciation.
page 70, Purge by Sofi Oksanen
“In the car, Pasha ad taken off his shirt and lifted his shoulders like he was adjusting his tattooed epaulets.”
Kefir– (noun) : a beverage of fermented cow's milk
Listen to the audio pronunciation.
page 78, Purge by Sofi Oksanen
“She washed her hands thoroughly and started to change the milk in the kefir, tried to act natural, picked up the can from the floor,opened the lid, strained the liquid into the cup,and rinsed off the culture, trying again with wild boars, stray dogs and cats, although even she thought her explanations sounded stupid.”
I love being a part of this and I hope you will too! If you’d like to participate, just write up your post and link up. I hope you will participate!
Happy Reading!

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