Title: Sing You Home
Author: Jodi Picoult
Publisher: Atria; Har/Com edition (March 1, 2011)
Web: http://www.jodipicoult.com/sing-you-home.html
ISBN-10: 1439102724
Pages: 480 pages
Format: Audio Books
About the Book: (from Goodreads.com) One miscarriage too many spelled the end of Max and Zoe Baxter's marriage. Though the former couple went quite separate ways, their fates remained entangled: After veering into alcoholism, Max is saved in multiple senses by his fundamentalist conversion; Zoe, for her part, finds healing relief in music therapy and the friendship, then romantic love with Vanessa, her counselor. After Zoe and Vanessa, now married, decide to have a baby, they realize that they must join battle with Max, who objects on both religious and financial grounds. Like her House Rules and several other previous Jodi Picoult novels, Sing You Home grapples with hot button issues.
Related Media:
Sing You Home Book Trailer
Ellen DeGeneres Chats with Jodi Picoult about Sing You Home
Jodi Picoult explains why she wrote Sing You Home
About the Author: http://www.jodipicoult.com/JodiPicoult.html
My Review: Sing You Home by Jodi Picoult is written in typical Picoult format. The story centers around some hot button topic, which is one of the reason I enjoy Jodi Picoult books. What I like most about Jodi Picoult’s books are they challenge the reader’s beliefs. I hope in the end her books educate our nation of the other sides of these hot topics. Wouldn’t our world be a better place if we could just understand each other and not constantly judge each other.
I love the character of Zoe. I could feel her pain and desire to have a child of her own. I could relate to this, having dealt with infertility myself for many years and the havoc it can cause in a marriage. I loved that Zoe was a music therapist and found solace in music. She had a kind, loving heart. I listened to the audio of this book so the music was included between chapters. I have to be honest in saying that I didn’t feel the music added anything additional to the story. It was a bit corny. I can’t wait to see who plays Zoe in the movie adaptation of Sing You Home. I hope the casting goes with the image in my mind of Zoe. I did not feel I could connect with the character of Vanessa. She seemed a bit remote. I understood Max and his troubles, but even being a Christian myself, could not relate to his fundamentalist beliefs.
Themes in this book are very timely and controversial to many. Sing you Home questions what constitutes a family, gay marriage, infertility and infidelity. Many reviews I read of Sing You Home went into the reader’s beliefs regarding gay marriage. I included reviews that did not necessary match my own beliefs in an attempt to provide a fair representation of other’s thoughts. I personally chose to love others without judgment and live my life with an accepting and open heart/mind.
Sing You Home flows nicely and has the famous Picoult twists, which I love. I was satisfied with the ending of Sing You Home, but wanted to know what happened afterwards. It felt like there was so much more to the story that I wanted to know!!
My Rating: 4/5 - I didn’t lose sleep wanting to finish this book, but was compelled to sneak extra minutes of reading where ever I could! I enjoyed this book on a long drive to and from Duluth, MN. Sing You Home made for an enjoyable drive.
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My Rating Scale: 1 – didn’t like it; 2 – it was ok; 3 – liked it; 4 – really liked it; 5 – it was amazing
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